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Townsville-Gurambilbarra, QLD
26 July to 04 August 2024


Each year, AFCM brings some 40 musicians from across Australia and around the world to Townsville-Gurambilbarra. They are the beating heart of AFCM and hearing them, seeing them interact with each other, and getting to know them on stage is what makes the Festival such a unique and memorable experience.

Our Artist Angels are the wonderful donors who make this happen!

Individuals, couples, or groups donate $4,500 for each Australian-based artist or $8,000 for an overseas-based artist. As a registered charity (DGR 1), all donations to AFCM are fully tax-deductible.

This contribution covers approximately 50% of the cost of bringing an artist to the Festival stage. Many of the mainstage artists also take part in the AFCM Winterschool Masterclasses program, making the most of their time at AFCM to mentor and tutor emerging chamber musicians.

As an Artist Angel, you will join a vibrant supporter community and enjoy opportunities to get to know your artist, as well as other supporters, during the Festival and year-round! Artist Angels are acknowledged online and in the printed Festival program, becoming part of the history and legacy of AFCM.

If you would like to show your appreciation for the Festival artists with a smaller dollar amount, your support will be felt and appreciated by our artists, no matter how much or little you can give.

Click here to donate online.

For more information or to inquire about forming an Artist Angels group, please contact:

Angela Timbs, Philanthropy Manager
07 4771 4144

Artistic Director Jack Liebeck with James Crabb AFCM 2022 (photo Andrew Rankin)